Professional photography has nothing to do with professional equipment; it demands one has taken the time to learn how to control light, natural, artificial, and combinations thereof.

In my travels, I come across some amazing views. I try to capture them whenever possible to hold on to that memory forever. Most of my landscapes are available for sale in my print section
©Billy Bateman 2021
Hello, Thank you for visiting my website.
I was born and raised in the northeast of America in the smallest of our states, Rhode Island. I have recently taken my journey across the country to Tucson, Arizona to begin a new chapter in my life.
Photography came to me at a time when I needed it most – it was like walking right into what I was created to do, only I had no idea that’s what I was heading into. It fit me, my strengths, my personality. It had me constantly thinking, changing, growing and it makes me feel alive to know that tomorrow will never be the same as today.
Creativity is my craft. My tool is the camera. So, my photographs are merely partly opened windows on the emotions that it arouses in me. I hope these windows give you a breath of fresh air that we are all in need of.